Borderless cards

You’ll be able to issue virtual or physical cards to your employees to cover business expenses around the world, plus manage those cards online with ease.

Transfer funds around the world

Whether you’re dealing with international customers, suppliers or staff, Airwallex says you can send money overseas and have it arrive in as little as one business day.

Open domestic and foreign currency accounts

International card transactions are automatically converted at Airwallex’s market leading FX rates. Depending on the currency, Airwallex says you'll pay just 0.3% or 0.6% FX margin above the interbank exchange rate.

About Airwallex

Founded by friends from the University of Melbourne, Airwallex offers a suite of APIs and a global account to help businesses manage payments no matter where they take place. When signing up, make sure to use your business email, not your personal one, so your application receives priority attention.