Guide to credit cards

Credit interest, balance transfers, card rewards - there's a world of financial pain you'll want to sidestep when signing up for a new (or better) credit card. The Mozo Guide is here to help you navigate the bank maze, with insights and wisdom on:

Credit Cards

Travel credit cards for students and backpackers

Travel credit cards for students and backpackers

When we think about travel credit cards, we tend to think of fancy airport lounges and frequent flyer miles. For some travellers, namely those on budgets like students and backpackers, what you’re looking for in a travel credit card might actually be a little bit different.

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Travel credit cards vs. prepaid travel cards - what’s the difference?

Travel credit cards vs. prepaid travel cards - what’s the difference?

As exciting as it is to head on holidays, planning can be prone to stresses of its own. One of the many choices you’ll have to make is how to finance your trip.

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Applying for a credit card

Applying for a credit card

Credit cards may not have the best reputation, as the media is often quick to portray the negative connotations associated with them. If you lack self-discipline, a credit card can run you into trouble with debt levels beyond your comfort. On the other hand, credit cards are a very useful financial tool and when used properly, there are many benefits to having the card available in your wallet.

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How do credit card interest-free days actually work?

How do credit card interest-free days actually work?

Whether you’re new to the game, or you’ve been swiping your credit card for years, I think we can all agree that the whole ‘interest-free period’ thing can be totally discombobulating! Which is why we’ve put together this guide for you! So you can walk away knowing what credit card interest-free days are and how they work.

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Amex 2019 rewards card changes: what you need to know

Amex 2019 rewards card changes: what you need to know

Last year rewards lovers around the country felt their hearts sink as American Express announced it would be decreasing earn rates across many of its rewards cards on April 15 2019.

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Australia’s Afterpay Obsession: A report into the features, buying habits and traps of the modern day layby

Australia’s Afterpay Obsession: A report into the features, buying habits and traps of the modern day layby

When stepping up to pay at the checkout Australians have traditionally reached for one of two things - card or cash. According to RBA statistics from 2016, 52% of all payments in Australia were made with a debit or credit card and 37% were made using cash.

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The banking world at your fingertips: A guide to biometric payments

The banking world at your fingertips: A guide to biometric payments

The world of banking and financial technology has come a long way in recent years, with card payments fast replacing cash as Australia’s preferred payment method, and emerging payment technologies such as mobile wallets and wearable payments becoming increasingly popular alternatives.

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Credit card buyers guide: fees, features and how to choose the right card for you

Credit card buyers guide: fees, features and how to choose the right card for you

In this modern era, we seem to be moving faster towards a cashless society so it’s more important than ever to have a reliable credit card in your pocket. With so many credit cards to choose from, how can you ensure you’re making the right choice for you? And how can you untangle all of the confusing jargon around credit card choices?

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Credit card interchange fees guide

Credit card interchange fees guide

A few years ago, you may have never come across the term “interchange fees”. Instead it was reserved for those in the banking world to discuss the profit margins of banks.

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What does your credit score say about you?

What does your credit score say about you?

Age might just be a number, but your credit score isn’t. It tells the world a lot about you and can help lenders make decisions about who you are and how you handle your finances. This determines how risky you will be as a borrower. For instance, your bank will look at your score before approving you for a credit card or a home loan.

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Australia’s big bank rewards programs

Australia’s big bank rewards programs

Looking for a rewards credit card from one of the big four banks? But don't know whether to choose Westpac, NAB, CommBank or ANZ?

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How to avoid 7 of the most common credit card mistakes

How to avoid 7 of the most common credit card mistakes

Credit cards: one of the most useful tools in your wallet, but also one that can get you in the most trouble if you aren’t careful. A lot of wariness around credit cards is really to do with a lack of confidence and education. Learning the ins and outs of credit cards - and most importantly, learning which mistakes you can avoid - can help you get the most out of a credit card (instead of avoiding them altogether). We’ve rounded up seven of the most common mistakes people make with credit cards - and how you can avoid making them!

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Which credit card is best for me?

Which credit card is best for me?

Having trouble deciding which kind of plastic will be the best fit for your wallet? Well, there’s a really easy way to do it - you can use our handy decision tree to lead you to the right choice:

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Credit cards for everyday spenders

Credit cards for everyday spenders

Do you use your credit card for everyday spending - like grabbing lunch, shopping for groceries or loading up your Opal card? The right piece of plastic can be a useful addition to your wallet when you’re out and about, running errands and paying for all life’s little expenses.

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Credit cards for shoppers

Credit cards for shoppers

If you like to shop till you drop, a credit card may just be your new best friend. But make sure you choose wisely so this piece of plastic doesn’t become your worst nightmare instead!

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Credit cards for students

Credit cards for students

So you’ve started uni, struck out on your own and embraced adulthood. Great! But how are you going to pay for all that newfound freedom? When you’ve got costs like rent, textbooks, travel to and from uni and study supplies to cover, your budget can stretch pretty thin pretty fast.

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Low rate credit cards

Low rate credit cards

Want a simple, convenient card that won’t cost an arm and a leg? Not really interested in complicated rewards schemes and counting points? Occasionally miss a monthly payment (or two)?

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Rewards credit cards

Rewards credit cards

Spending on a credit card is convenient and can be cost-effective if you choose the right one - but why not get some freebies out of your spending as well? If you’re a fiend for bonuses, perks and anything you can get for nothing, then a rewards credit card might just be the piece of plastic for you.

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Black rewards credit cards

Black rewards credit cards

Sick and tired of your boring old rewards credit card? Want a piece of plastic that can keep up with your life in the fast lane? Look no further than a black rewards card.

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9 Steps to pay off credit card debt

9 Steps to pay off credit card debt

Credit card debt is scary.

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Low interest rate rewards credit cards

Low interest rate rewards credit cards

Sometimes "too good to be true" isn't the case - that's where these cards came in!

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Credit card transfers

Credit card transfers

If you’ve racked up a considerable amount of debt on your credit card, there’s a moment you’re probably dreading - the opening of your next credit card statement. When you tear it open, three main options will probably come to mind:

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Premium credit cards

Premium credit cards

Premium credit cards are the crème of the crop in the world of credit cards. These high end cards fit well in the wallets of those who live a lavish lifestyle, enjoy fine dining, fly business class, snap up front row VIP seats to concerts and in general just love to spend up big! The rewards of premium credit cards easily outweigh the costs associated with the cards. If you’re already a premium credit cardholder or are considering being a proud owner of one of these prestigious cards now it’s time to sit back, relax, sip on a glass of veuve and soak up all the benefits of these fancy pieces of plastic!

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Credit card features

Credit card features

Your credit card has many benefits and features you may not even be aware of; some help you out when travelling, others will save you money while and you can even get a credit card that makes you feel like a celeb! So take a look at Mozo’s comprehensive list of plastic perks so you make the most of your credit card features.

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Top reasons for a credit card

Top reasons for a credit card

According to the Moneysmart debt clock, the average Australian card holder is paying over $700 interest on their credit card annually so there is good reason, if you don’t already have a credit card to avoid one.

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Credit cards for pensioners

Credit cards for pensioners

Being a pensioner might make getting a credit card more difficult, but it does not necessarily disqualify you.

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Credit cards for temporary residents

Credit cards for temporary residents

You may be in Australia for an extended holiday or you’ve moved here to work, either reason you’re likely going to want to apply for a credit card. Let’s face it, the plastic is very convenient to have in your wallet!

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Gold cards

Gold cards

Once upon a time gold credit cards were the ultimate financial status symbol representing wealth and supremacy. These days gold cards have fallen to the bottom of the premium credit card chain, overtaken by black and diamond cards. However don’t be shy if you are a gold credit cardholder or are thinking about getting one, they still come with some 24-carat rewards!

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Top tips for students to avoid credit card fees

Top tips for students to avoid credit card fees

Credit providers are very inventive with their fees, so you'll need to be crafty to avoid them. Here are Mozo's top 4 student credit card tips:

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Frequent flyer cards - the highs and lows of miles

Frequent flyer cards - the highs and lows of miles

Do you spend half your time on planes and running around airport terminals? Have you got packing an overnight bag down to a fine art and know how to say “how much is it?” in at least a dozen languages? Well then, you’re probably a frequent flyer.

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Cashback cards

Cashback cards

The name says it all…get cash back, when you spend money on your credit card. Sounds like a pretty good deal or is it too good to be true?! We’ll let you decide as we investigate the ins and outs of cash back credit cards. Like all reward credit cards make sure you take the time and compare what’s on the market and find the card that best suits you, your lifestyle and spending habits.

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Rewards credit cards vs annual fees

Rewards credit cards vs annual fees

Is the annual fee of a rewards credit card worth it? The answer to this question will vary from one person to another as it depends on several factors which we will go through in this guide. So before you sign your life away to a flash rewards credit card take the time to learn if it’s the best piece of plastic for you.

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Changing credit cards minus the stress

Changing credit cards minus the stress

If you’re one of the thousands of credit cardholders who are stuck with a dud deal or the card is costing you too much and you’re just not satisfied well it’s time to make a stress free switch to a more worthy and valuable piece of plastic. The good news, changing credit cards isn’t a complicated process and with over 200 cards in Australia, there’s bound to be one to suit you.

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Types of Credit Cards

Types of Credit Cards

Gone are the days when banks had one or two different types of credit cards you could choose from! Now there are plenty of types of credit cards on offer in a very competitive market, all come in different shapes and sizes and with unique benefits. Work out what type of credit card user you are and then you can pick one that suits you and your needs.

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Managing your credit card balance

Managing your credit card balance

When it comes to credit cards, we always think of that classic piece of advice: “Don’t spend beyond your means”. There’s a little more to it than that when it comes to managing your credit card balance, so buckle up! We’re diving in.

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Credit cards for travellers

Credit cards for travellers

If you’re about to embark on an overseas trip, then it’ll be a good idea to brush up on a few money tips before you go. From travel insurance to travel money, Mozo’s got you covered. But when it comes travelling overseas with a credit card, you’ll read everything you need right here.

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Credit card offers

Credit card offers

What’s a new credit card without awesome offers to entice you? Just a simple no frills credit card. Kinda boring and fruitless. But if you want something with a little more grunt, then opt for a credit card that offers a whole lot more. There’s so many credit cards with introductory offers to choose from, just take your pick!

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Applying for a credit card

Applying for a credit card

Credit cards may not have the best reputation, as the media is often quick to portray the negative connotations associated with them. If you lack self-discipline, a credit card can run you into trouble with debt levels beyond your comfort. On the other hand, credit cards are a very useful financial tool and when used properly, there are many benefits to having the card available in your wallet.

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Platinum Rewards Cards

Platinum Rewards Cards

When it comes to premium credit cards, platinum cards have trumped gold cards on the market in terms of supreme status. And while platinum is an extremely rare metal the plastic credit card version is more commonly available! Most Australian banks and credit card providers offer platinum rewards credit cards. These cards work just like a standard credit card however they have a lot more features and benefits as well as better rates for earning reward points.

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Credit card pros & cons

Credit card pros & cons

It’s no secret that credit cards have a notorious reputation for being the fastest way to plunge into debt. No doubt you’ve heard plenty of credit card horror stories. You might even have a friend who’s on a debt payment plan to get back on track. But don’t let these things put you off, because if you play by the rules, credit cards can really help you out when you get stuck. Some cards also have perks like free insurances and rewards.

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Balance transfer cards explained, at last

Balance transfer cards explained, at last

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by growing credit card debt, you’re not alone. According to June 2022 RBA data, Australians accrue interest on $18.2 billion in credit card debt each month, with an average card balance costing interest of ​​$1,380.

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Avoiding Credit Card Fees

Avoiding Credit Card Fees

Credit cards definitely have their perks and place in our wallets. However, they do come hand in hand with that nasty, annoying and often expensive thing called fees! Credit card fees can quickly add up and cost you big bucks but the good news is, you can avoid them. It’s a good idea to familiarise yourself with the following credit card fees then read through our all-important tips to avoid them.

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Credit card payment

Credit card payment

You may look at your monthly statement and think that it’s in ‘google gog’ but don’t stress as we’ll demystify all things relating to credit card payments to have you understanding your bill in no time. We’ll even have you saving money by the end of this guide!

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Black credit card

Black credit card

Whoa. Who knew there was so much grunt behind one little card? The mother of all credit cards, this black piece of plastic is certainly a force to reckon with. If you’re lucky enough to possess one, then you probably already know the benefits. For those that are yet to become more acquainted, we’re about to give you the low down.

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Reduce credit card debt

Reduce credit card debt

Reducing credit card debt is no easy task. We’ve all been there and know the struggles in combating the ever-growing money monster. But with a little discipline and dedicated planning, you can ninja your way out of your credit card debt in no time.

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Credit history and credit ratings

Credit history and credit ratings

If you've never taken out a person loan before or investigated getting a credit card, you may not have come across the concept of a credit rating or 'creditworthiness'. But if you are looking for some kind of financing in the future, this score and the file it sits in could impact the kind of loan options you can access.

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Credit card fraud

Credit card fraud

Yep. It can happen to the most careful of us all. Credit card fraud is not new, and will never really end. As users who enjoy it’s many conveniences, we’ve just got to become more savvy about how we use them. And when we say savvy, we also mean clever and responsible.

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The “tap and go” fee trap: payWave and PayPass exposed

The “tap and go” fee trap: payWave and PayPass exposed

Paying for your fruit and veg at the shops or a late night cab ride has never been easier than with Visa payWave and MasterCard PayPass “tap and go”. While it may be a convenient way to make purchases under $100, did you know you might be slapped an extra premium to simply use the service?

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Chip, PIN, payWave and PayPass: everything you need to know and more

Chip, PIN, payWave and PayPass: everything you need to know and more

From swipe to tap…scribble to PIN, the way Aussie consumers pay for their goods is a-changin’. Most new credit and debit cards in Australia now come with the contactless (or tap) payment option and the decades-old credit card signature will soon be a thing of the past.

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Rewards Credit Cards

Premium rewards cards

Premium rewards cards

Does your lifestyle involve hitting the shops big time or boarding airplanes on a regular basis? You could be the perfect candidate for a premium rewards card. This page features all you need to know about premium plastic - from VIP services like airline lounge access and 24/7 concierge to complimentary insurance for purchases made on your card. Let’s get started!

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Bonus point rewards cards

Bonus point rewards cards

Addicted to freebies? Chances are, you’ll love what bonus point rewards cards can offer you too.

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Frequent flyer rewards cards

Frequent flyer rewards cards

Are you a frequent flyer who would jump at the chance to access swish airport lounges, flight upgrades, free airline tickets and more? Perhaps it’s time you carried a proper rewards card in your wallet and started collecting points on your everyday spending. Before you sign up or switch to a more rewarding program, take a moment to read all about them here, so your frequent flyer points really take off. Let’s get started!

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How do I redeem credit card rewards points?

How do I redeem credit card rewards points?

Have you been stacking up credit card reward points throughout the pandemic? Are you lost when it comes to getting the most bang for your rewards buck? Well, that’s where this guide comes in.

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Cashback rewards cards

Cashback rewards cards

Have you considered signing up with a rewards credit card that will give you cold hard cash? Welcome to the world of cashback offers where becoming a new customer is often enough to earn you extra bucks! It’s worth flirting with the idea if your preferred credit card reward is financial in nature.

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What are the benefits of a rewards card?

What are the benefits of a rewards card?

If you’re tossing up between a rewards card and a regular piece of plastic, then you might be wondering just what the benefits of having points earning power in your corner are.

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Is a rewards card really right for me?

Is a rewards card really right for me?

You’re probably the kind of person who uses a credit card a lot and has managing your balance down to a fine art. The next question is, which rewards card will suit you best? To find a piece of plastic that matches up to your freebie dreams, head over to our rewards revealer tool.

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Travel rewards cards

Travel rewards cards

Whether you’re planning a mega shopping trip along Rodeo Drive or a great exploration of Europe, there is one thing you’ll need to pack - a competitive travel credit card. But finding the right one is hard to do if you don’t know what you’re looking for. That’s where this guide comes in, giving you the lowdown so you can be your own expert. Let’s go!

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Gold rewards cards

Gold rewards cards

Congrats on your decision to join the rewards credit card club (or at least, resolving to switch providers)! During your search for an ideal piece of plastic online, you’ve probably stumbled across the term “gold” credit cards.

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Low annual fee rewards cards

Low annual fee rewards cards

Some rewards credit card customers pay hundreds of dollars every year just for the privilege of being a cardholder. While other borrowers opt for the more basic rewards card with a lower annual fee attached.

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Supermarket rewards

Supermarket rewards

The battle of the supermarket rewards program is never ending, constantly splashed before us with endless marketing and advertising campaigns. Should I shop at Coles for flybuys points or is Woolworths a better option to earn Woolworth rewards? This is a fair enough question to ask yourself! As there are many questions and unknowns when it comes to supermarket rewards we’ve decided to decipher these loyalty programs in a one stop shop guide.

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Petrol rewards

Petrol rewards

Most major service stations are partnered with a rewards credit card and or programs. Just as you can earn reward points for everyday expenses such a paying bills and grocery shopping you won’t miss out when you need to buy fuel. Earning reward points is pretty easy!  All you have to do is swipe your rewards credit card and or rewards program membership card when you pay for the fuel for a chance to earn points. They key is to buy petrol at a service station that is partnered with the rewards program you are a member of. Here’s a list of the partnerships between reward programs and service stations. You want to make sure you pull into a fuel station that will earn you petrol rewards!

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Calculating rewards points

Calculating rewards points

You don’t have to be a mathematician when it comes to calculating rewards points. While it can be confusing as no reward program is the same, there is a fairly simple equation you can follow that will calculate the rewards points currency. This guide will hopefully help you make sense, the process of calculating rewards points so you can earn your free ticket to Bali in no time.

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How to choose a rewards program

How to choose a rewards program

Choosing a credit card is a challenge in itself then deciding on the best rewards program to attach to your card can be just as testing. You may just throw your hands in the air and declare it all too difficult! But don’t, stop there and take a breath, as Mozo has come to the rescue. This guide will help you through the process of choosing a rewards program that is the best fit for you and one that will having you reaping in the benefits.

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Qantas frequent flyer

Qantas frequent flyer

It would be a little un-Australian if you weren’t familiar with the lyrics ‘I still call Australia home…’! It’s the tune to the Qantas campaign that started running in the late 1990’s, linking it to Australia’s most recognised and longest running airlines. The iconic Aussie airline has a Qantas Frequent Flyer loyalty program and the best news is, you don’t have to be a frequent flyer to enjoy the benefits of being a member.

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Types of rewards credit cards

Types of rewards credit cards

On the hunt for a credit card that’s going to reward you for spending? If so, you’re in the right spot! This guide will take you through all the different types of rewards credit cards you can choose from. With so many reward card options out there, find one that you will benefit from most, with perks to suit your lifestyle and needs.

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Velocity frequent flyer

Velocity frequent flyer

Velocity Frequent Flyer is the official rewards program for Virgin Australia. There are plenty of easy and quick ways to earn Velocity points, just by using your Velocity Frequent Flyer credit card when you make purchases. The loyalty program then has a huge range of rewards you can redeem your points on as well as offering unique benefits including family pooling and points for pets!

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Reward programs - the ultimate guide

Reward programs - the ultimate guide

As a credit card holder, you may think all the benefits lie with the money hungry banks and financial institutions. Wrong! As the owner of a rewards credit card you get to lap up some cool perks of your own. Each time you spend money on your credit card, you earn points from your bank, then YOU get to dictate how you want to be rewarded for your spending. Not a bad deal! However the reward program you choose will dictate how many points you accrue for your spending. But before you start planning on using those points for a trip to Bali or a new high definition flat screen TV, make sure your read this guide on the ins and outs of a reward program.

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Credit card rewards and tax

Credit card rewards and tax

Who doesn’t love something for nothing?! Well, welcome to the world of reward credit cards, your ticket to receiving freebies for spending money. There are so many types of reward programs from frequent flyer, cashback rewards, travel, and shopping rewards just to name a few.

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Credit card news

Stay up to date on the latest credit card revelations, interest rate gossip and balance transfer pap shots.

How to be a rewards credit card power user

How to be a rewards credit card power user

Credit card rewards programs can be a goldmine if you know how to navigate them right. Whether you’re a frequent flyer or a cashback connoisseur, there’s a way to make your credit card work harder for you. Let’s dive into how you can become a power user of credit card rewards programs and get the most bang for your buck!

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Westpac credit card interest rates on the rise

Westpac credit card interest rates on the rise

Westpac has just announced that it will be increasing the interest rates on several of its credit card products from the 20th of June 2024. The changes will impact both new and existing customers, with increases to both purchase and cash advance rates on several Westpac credit card products.

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Compare credit cards and save
