Superannuation Guides

Looking to brush up on your super know-how? Here's the index for all the guides on superannuation topics that have been covered by Mozo's editorial team.

Life insurance through super. Is it worth it?

Life insurance through super. Is it worth it?

You’re probably aware by now that you can get insurance through your super fund. It’s a convenient and often cost-effective way to ensure financial protection for you and your loved ones. But is it the right choice? Let’s look at the benefits and drawbacks to help you decide.

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Top 10 benefits of superannuation

Top 10 benefits of superannuation

Superannuation does more than just fund your retirement. It's also a handy financial tool that offers an array of benefits like tax advantages, growth opportunity and even cheap insurance cover. So what are the major superannuation benefits? Let’s find out!

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When can I access my super?

When can I access my super?

Eager to access your superannuation but unsure about the timing?

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What’s the difference between lost and unclaimed super?

What’s the difference between lost and unclaimed super?

We often hear questions about the distinction between lost and unclaimed superannuation. It's a common point of confusion for many managing their retirement savings, but it doesn't have to be.

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Superannuation contributions explained

Superannuation contributions explained

Understanding superannuation contributions is crucial for optimising your retirement savings. And it's not just about relying on your employer's mandatory contributions.

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Retail super funds in Australia

Retail super funds in Australia

For Australians considering the future of their superannuation, retail super funds provide an option worth exploring. These funds, operated by financial entities, offer an extensive range of investment opportunities, coupled with a suite of financial products. Grasping the intricacies of retail super funds is crucial for informed retirement planning.

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Salary sacrificing your super

Salary sacrificing your super

Considering boosting your super? You're not alone. Salary sacrificing into your super is a smart move many Aussies are making to secure a better retirement. It's not just about stashing away more cash for the future; it's also about smart tax moves today.

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Superannuation tax: every stage explained

Superannuation tax: every stage explained

Tax on super affects each stage of the super journey, from the initial contributions, through to the earnings phase, the final withdrawal of funds, and even after death. These tax implications are influenced by various factors like the type of contribution, age and income level.

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Unique superannuation identifier: why it matters

Unique superannuation identifier: why it matters

Have you ever spotted the term 'unique superannuation identifier' (USI) peeking out from your superannuation statements, or perhaps during the initial paperwork of a new job?

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How to consolidate super

How to consolidate super

Part of the onboarding process when you start a new job typically involves filling out a superannuation choice form. And as you go through different employers throughout your career, it’s possible that you’ll join several super funds along the way.

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How is my super being invested? Does it matter?

How is my super being invested? Does it matter?

It pays to know where your nest egg is being invested, not only to get the most out of your super fund in retirement, but to make sure the selected investments meet your expectations.

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How to change super funds in 3 easy steps

How to change super funds in 3 easy steps

Found a super fund you like better? Making the switch is easy and you can do it all online! Here’s what to do…

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How superannuation can fit into your retirement planning

How superannuation can fit into your retirement planning

Travel and relaxation are commonly associated with retirement, but getting there usually takes some financial planning.

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What is an industry super fund?

What is an industry super fund?

Though originally started for members of specific industries, industry super funds have since opened their doors to the public, becoming a favourite option for many Aussies.

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A guide to accessing your super early

A guide to accessing your super early

Need to access your superannuation early but not sure if you qualify?

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How to find lost super: A comprehensive guide

How to find lost super: A comprehensive guide

Have you ever considered that a few minutes of checking could unlock thousands of dollars in potential investment earnings? Believe it or not, the ATO has unearthed over 7 million lost or unclaimed superannuation accounts, amassing more than $16 billion. That's an average of $2,276 per account, which could blossom into more than $20k over 30 years based on a 7.5% return*.

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How to withdraw your superannuation

How to withdraw your superannuation

Ever wondered about how and when you’ll access your superannuation?

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What is super preservation age?

What is super preservation age?

Super terminology is not for the faint of heart, with numerous legislation and conditions lathered in industry jargon. If you are looking into withdrawing your super and how to go about it, you might have come across the term preservation age.

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A comprehensive guide to self-managed super funds

A comprehensive guide to self-managed super funds

When thinking about your retirement, one of the decisions that you will make for your superannuation is the choice between a managed fund, or a self-managed fund.

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Super guarantee rate: What are the rules for employer super contributions?

Super guarantee rate: What are the rules for employer super contributions?

Are you just starting out in your career, or are you a seasoned expert within your field? Either way, you might be thinking about your super fund and what your employer obligations are for paying you super.

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Ethical super funds: what are they, and how do they work?

Ethical super funds: what are they, and how do they work?

When choosing a superannuation fund, more Australians have recently searched Google not just for annual returns or fees but how the fund invests their money. Ethical super funds have therefore taken off as a way to align our values with our money: saving for retirement while saving the planet.

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How much money should I save for retirement? Superannuation targets by age.

How much money should I save for retirement? Superannuation targets by age.

Curious about how much superannuation you need for a comfortable retirement? Many sites will toss you the average super balance for people your age and call it a day. However, averages aren't always helpful, as outliers can skew the figures, and they fail to indicate if the 'average' Australian is truly saving enough for retirement.

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Superannuation: Everything you need to know about saving for retirement

Superannuation: Everything you need to know about saving for retirement

Quick facts:

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Superannuation news