Guide to car insurance

We all shop around for a shiny new car, but somehow that shiny new car insurance policy is lower on the shopping-around list. However, not all vehicle insurance was born equal, and you could save a boot-load of money from a quick glance at the ins and outs of car insurance.

EV car insurance

EV car insurance

Electric vehicles (EVs) are on the rise in Australia, thanks to better technology, a push for greener options and rising petrol prices leading people to explore alternatives.

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Car insurance with roadside assistance

Car insurance with roadside assistance

There are few more embarrassing and stressful experiences than having your car break down in peak hour traffic or a blown tyre putting a stop to your road trip plans.

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A beginner’s guide to motorcycle insurance

A beginner’s guide to motorcycle insurance

It doesn’t matter if you use your motorcycle every day or prefer to take it out for long rides on the weekend, making sure your bike is covered against accidental damage or theft ensures that you’ll be able to continue rolling your way.

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Mobile phone and distracted driving statistics in Australia

Mobile phone and distracted driving statistics in Australia

Each year thousands of car accidents and injuries happen as a result of mobile phone use behind the wheel. This form of distracted driving is a serious issue in many parts of the world, and Australia is no outlier.

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How do I add another driver to my car insurance policy?

How do I add another driver to my car insurance policy?

Insuring your car is as much about who is driving at the time, as it is about what actually happened.

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Car insurance jargon-buster

Car insurance jargon-buster

If you’re not familiar with the lexicon of insurance, you’re not alone. After all, it’s drenched in legalese and complex terms which are enough to make the average person’s head spin.

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What is excess in insurance?

What is excess in insurance?

In the insurance world, your excess is the amount you pay out-of-pocket whenever you make an insurance claim. It’s a pre-determined sum listed in your insurance policy, designed to keep claims manageable and premiums affordable. Its major roles are to streamline the claims process by reducing the number of small, frivolous claims, and to distribute the cost burden for larger claims. This helps in maintaining stable premiums for everyone.

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Everything you need to know about car insurance quotes

Everything you need to know about car insurance quotes

Kicking off your search with a handful of car insurance quotes can make all the difference in safeguarding your vehicle effectively.

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Getting back on the road in 2022? Here’s what you need to know

Getting back on the road in 2022? Here’s what you need to know

The lockdowns of 2020 and 2021 saw a decrease in Australian drivers hitting the road, due to several factors, including the shift towards working from home, as well as restrictions like  lockdowns and border closures.

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Rideshare insurance: how it works and what you need to know

Rideshare insurance: how it works and what you need to know

Are you a rideshare driver? Confused about what kind of car insurance you need while working for companies like Uber, Ola, or DiDi? No worries, you've come to the right place.

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How to transfer car registration in Australia | 2024

How to transfer car registration in Australia | 2024

There are a few expenses to keep tabs on when buying a new car, besides the initial purchase price. From car insurance, to loan repayments, stamp duty, and, of course, car registration costs.

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What happens if you don’t have car insurance and get into an accident?

What happens if you don’t have car insurance and get into an accident?

Carrying just the bare minimum Compulsory Third Party (CTP) car insurance? Buckle up, because if you're in an accident without proper additional coverage, things could get bumpy. This guide takes you through different scenarios to show what financial and legal potholes you might hit - whether you caused the crash or not.Let's take a closer look.

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Windscreen insurance: is it worth it?

Windscreen insurance: is it worth it?

Imagine you're driving and suddenly, a pebble strikes your windscreen. The thought of paying a $1,000 excess for such a small incident is daunting, isn't it? That's exactly what windscreen insurance, also known as excess-free windscreen cover, is designed to prevent.

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What to do when you have a car accident

What to do when you have a car accident

No one wants to be involved in a car accident, but it's not a perfect world full of perfect drivers. That's why it's best to be prepared in case you run into a minor prang, or are involved in something more serious.

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Storm and hail damage car insurance

Storm and hail damage car insurance

If you want to be covered for hail damage, you’ll need a comprehensive car insurance policy. Lower-tier policies like third-party property insurance just won’t cut it.

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How much is car registration in Australia in 2024?

How much is car registration in Australia in 2024?

Car registration costs vary depending on your state or territory, and take into account factors like your vehicle's weight, what you use it for, and where you drive it.

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Mazda car insurance

Mazda car insurance

Love wheeling around in your Mazda? Well you're certainly not the only one! In 2020 the Japanese-owned car brand was one of the highest selling vehicles in Australia - second only to Toyota.

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Mercedes-Benz car insurance

Mercedes-Benz car insurance

If you relish pulling up to events in red carpet style, you might be a Mercedes-Benz driver (or are ready to become one). Motorists in this luxury car crew are part of a large network of stylish drivers, with Mercs being Australia’s leading prestige car brand in terms of sales, according to

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BMW car insurance

BMW car insurance

So you’ve joined the ‘proud-owner-of-a-BMW’ club! You’re undoubtedly eager to get your luxury wheels covered by the right insurance. Well, it just so happens that Mozo has collected some interesting statistics on BMWs, including how much insurance could cost you and how to select a suitable deal. Keep reading to find out more.

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Toyota car insurance

Toyota car insurance

The votes are in, and Aussies simply love Toyotas. Various Toyota models have once again dominated the last year of new car sales in Australia.

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Buying a car interstate: Costs, insurance and other factors to consider

Buying a car interstate: Costs, insurance and other factors to consider

Buying a car, whether it’s your first set of not-so-slick wheels or a shiny new upgrade, can be a big emotional and financial commitment. When scouting around for your ideal ride, you might first look at car yards and independent sales within your immediate vicinity.

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A complete guide to business and commercial car insurance

A complete guide to business and commercial car insurance

So, you know how car insurance works for your own set of wheels - the ones you use to drive to the shops or for road trips, but what about for your company car? Or your delivery truck? How does car insurance work for a vehicle used for work purposes?

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Pay-as-you-drive car insurance

Pay-as-you-drive car insurance

Want car insurance that reflects the way you drive? It doesn't get much closer than pay-as-you-drive car insurance.

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Car insurance must-haves: do you know the rules where you live?

Car insurance must-haves: do you know the rules where you live?

Once you have your driver’s license, making the decision to buy your own car can be pretty exciting. But once you've settled on the wheels for your dream road trip, it's time to get your car registered and insured.

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Car insurance discounts: A complete guide

Car insurance discounts: A complete guide

There’s no question that having your own car can open up possibilities. Think last minute road trips, travelling further for work and not having to lug your shopping home on the bus. The problem is maintaining your wheels can be pricey. Getting cover for your vehicle, fuel and registration all adds up.

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Average cost of car insurance: How much does it cost and how can you save?

Average cost of car insurance: How much does it cost and how can you save?

Update: If you're after a current assessment of car insurance prices and trends in Australia, check out Mozo's 2020 Car Insurance Report.

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How to switch car insurance policies

How to switch car insurance policies

Here at Mozo, we’re all about helping everyday Aussies find the perfect car insurance policy. But if it’s been a while since you last reviewed your car insurance policy and insurance provider, there’s a good chance of a better deal out there. And depending on your situation, switching policies could save you big bucks and deliver even bigger value.

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P-plater Car Insurance

P-plater Car Insurance

Just got your Ps? Before you drive your mates 'round to Maccas, make sure you're covered for everything from car park prangs to theft, with a car insurance policy for P-platers.

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Learner Driver Car Insurance

Learner Driver Car Insurance

If you're teaching someone to drive, you might be wondering how it affects your car insurance policy and if it'll affect the cost of your premium.

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Telematics technology in your car

Telematics technology in your car

The experts agree; the global insurance industry is primed to undergo a host of technological changes over the coming years and in Australia we’re already seeing the effects of the insurtech craze.

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Short-term car insurance: here are your options

Short-term car insurance: here are your options

Short term car insurance isn’t necessarily a product that you can buy off the shelf from insurance providers. Instead you’ll have to opt for one of a few little workarounds. Let's explore your options for staying covered without a long-term commitment.

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Seniors car insurance

Seniors car insurance

Driving into the golden years doesn't have to mean driving up your car insurance premiums. If you're over 60 and on the hunt for a more wallet-friendly policy, we've got your back. We've sifted through the details to bring you insights into securing affordable car insurance tailored to seniors.

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Rideshare car insurance

Rideshare car insurance

If you drive for or are considering driving for ridesharing platforms like Uber or Didi, you can often extend your private, personal-use car insurance policy to cover your business-related activities. In this guide, we'll explain how this works, along with the insurance options available to you.

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7 common mistakes that will void your car insurance

7 common mistakes that will void your car insurance

Aside from the anxiety of reverse parking, driving can be quite enjoyable and therapeutic. However, silly – and avoidable – mistakes happen everyday to even the most responsible drivers. So before you kick it in gear, keep in mind these seven traps that can void your car insurance.

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How to reduce your car insurance premium

How to reduce your car insurance premium

Car insurance policy prices are determined by a range of factors, including the driver, the vehicle, the phases of the moon, maybe. It can be really tricky to keep track of just what is affecting your car insurance premiums, but knowing your way around these factors can help you save big time.

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Car insurance features

Car insurance features

Having car insurance can help you out of an awkward post-accident bill, but how much car insurance suits your budget?

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Choosing the right car insurance policy

Choosing the right car insurance policy

Remember yesterday when you were writing in your diary about how you planned on having a car accident tomorrow afternoon? Said no one ever. These awful incidents, no matter how minor or major, are a shock to the system.

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How to make a car insurance claim

How to make a car insurance claim

If disaster has struck, it's time for your car insurance policy to shine. So let's get into what you need to after an accident, including what to expect from the process of making a claim on your insurance policy.

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Types of car insurance

Types of car insurance

What’s that? Car insurance is your favourite ever thing to pay for? Yeah, we know it hurts the hip pocket and no one wants to really deal with it. But it’s a necessary purchase we all need to think about, whether we like it or not.

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Car insurance in 2018: the ultimate buyer's guide to what it costs, what to look for and how to save

Car insurance in 2018: the ultimate buyer's guide to what it costs, what to look for and how to save

Update: If you're after a current assessment of car insurance prices and trends in Australia, check out Mozo's 2020 Car Insurance Report.

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Market value vs agreed value car insurance

Market value vs agreed value car insurance

When choosing your comprehensive car insurance, one of the key decisions is whether your car is covered for its agreed value or market value. This isn't just a small detail—it directly affects how much you could receive if your car is stolen or considered a total loss.

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Is comprehensive car insurance worth it?

Is comprehensive car insurance worth it?

Is comprehensive car insurance worth it? We think it is in most cases. But let’s peek behind the curtain and find out when it really shines, and when it may be better to go with a lower level of cover.

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Insurance dilemma: should you let your friend borrow your car?

Insurance dilemma: should you let your friend borrow your car?

We have all been there. Your mate, Dave, has his car in for service and just needs to get to work. Letting him borrow your car seems pretty harmless, but in truth, Dave taking the wheel of your ride could increase your car insurance costs if something were to go wrong.

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Black box car insurance

Black box car insurance

Black boxes aren't just in planes anymore – they're a new sensation on the Australian car insurance scene. Also known as telematics or insurance boxes, this new technology means Aussie drivers can buy car insurance policies based on their driving habits. The safer you drive, the less you pay in premiums.

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How to haggle on your car insurance in 2024

How to haggle on your car insurance in 2024

Car insurance is a must-have product for many Aussies across the country, but you shouldn't have to fork out big bucks for a little peace of mind.

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No claims car insurance

No claims car insurance

A no claims bonus (NCB), also known as a no claims discount, is a discount you receive on your car insurance premium for every year you don't make a claim. The longer you go without filing a claim, the greater your discount becomes, rewarding your safe driving.

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Young drivers car insurance: how it works and what you need to know

Young drivers car insurance: how it works and what you need to know

Under 25 and gearing up for a drive? Before you zip off for beach trips or late-night snack runs, let’s get you sorted with a car insurance policy that’s got your back for everything from bumper bingles to major oopsies.

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Third-party fire and theft car insurance

Third-party fire and theft car insurance

While traditional third-party property car insurance (TPP) can cover out-of-pocket costs if you damage somebody else’s car or property while driving, it won’t cover damage caused by fires or the theft of your vehicle.

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What is multi-car insurance?

What is multi-car insurance?

Have more than one car in your household? That means you qualify for a multi-car insurance policy and can potentially save on your premium. Here’s everything you need to know about insuring more than one vehicle under the same policy.

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Third party car insurance

Third party car insurance

When it comes to your car, you might think compulsory third party insurance (CTP) is enough to protect you financially (not to mention legally). But that's not necessarily true.

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Vehicle insurance

Vehicle insurance

Whether it’s your first car purchase or your fifth truck, motor insurance is pretty important. In fact, no matter what vehicle you fancy albeit, motorbike, scooter or pickup truck, you’re going to need to think long and hard before making your vehicle insurance. But don’t think too hard about it!

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How can you get cheaper car insurance? Here's what you need to know

How can you get cheaper car insurance? Here's what you need to know

Between petrol, rego, and just the sheer time of day, cars can be heckin' expensive. So if you're keen on efficient money, it can pay to find a car insurance policy that covers you efficiently.

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Classic car insurance

Classic car insurance

Classic car insurance is an umbrella term that refers to insurance covering collectible cars, which includes what we traditionally consider ‘classic’ cars and extends to other specific categories such as vintage and veteran vehicles.

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Pensioner car insurance

Pensioner car insurance

It’s nice to know that after working the hard yards and amassing decades of wisdom, you get a little more respect for reaching mature milestones. There are insurance companies around Australia who are taking a particular interest in the over 50s age group. With all your experience and driving expertise, you deserve specialised attention.

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Car insurance news

Stay up to date on the latest car insurance news, views and comments.

Australias first ev car insurance

KOBA rolls out its EV car insurance, starting with Tesla

It’s exciting times for Australian EV owners as KOBA officially launches its dedicated EV car insurance policy. The insurance marks a significant milestone for the EV community, and while it’s only available for Tesla’s now, it’s set to expand to other models soon.

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New vehicle efficiency standards

Australia shifts gears with New Vehicle Efficiency Standards

In an effort to reduce emissions and fuel consumption, Australia is set to introduce the New Vehicle Efficiency Standard (NVES) from 1 January 2025. This move aims to lower the nation’s carbon footprint and make driving more cost-effective by ensuring that the mix of new vehicles sold in Australia meets specific, increasingly stringent CO2 emissions targets.

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