Home loan comparison calculator

Home loans can have lots of different features and charges. But how do you know which home loan is better value? Try Mozo’s home loan comparison calculator to find out!

Our easy calculator lets you compare your top home loan picks. Simply plug in fees and features to see your home loan costs in action – and how a home loan deal could save you the most money. Great for first home buyers, investors, and refinancers alike!

Your details

First loan

Second loan

Your results

First Loan
Second Loan

How does a home loan comparison calculator work? 

Mozo’s home loan comparison calculator estimates and compares the long-term costs of two different home loans.

By calculating your mortgage repayments, fees, and interest rates, the calculator lets you compare how much money you can save over the loan term. 

You can vary the home loan costs by interest rate, loan repayment type/frequency, and fees, such as monthly or annual fees. Your loan amount and term stay the same to give you the clearest picture of how a mortgage offer impacts your finances. 

How do I use the home loan comparison calculator? 

Mozo’s home loan comparison calculator is easy and free to use. Here’s how you do it, step-by-step.

First, figure out how much you want to borrow and how long you want to borrow it for. The first is your loan amount; the second is your loan term. For example, say you want to borrow $500,000 for 25 years. 

Next, find two or more home loan deals you like. These are the options you’ll compare in the calculator. You can browse home loan offers in the comparison table above.

Next, write down the main costs of these home loans, namely:

Finally, plug these numbers into the boxes in the comparison calculator, then hit enter. Ta-da! Your home loans, compared. Now you know which home loan could be cheaper. 

Will this calculator tell me my home loan repayments? 

Yes – Mozo’s home loan comparison calculator will estimate your monthly mortgage repayments for two different loans. This way, you can see how things like your interest rate, fees, and features impact your household budget. 

To estimate your mortgage repayments for just one home loan, see our easy home loan repayments calculator

How do I know which home loan is cheaper?

Our home loan comparison calculator tells you which home loan could be cheaper. 

After you plug in the numbers for two home loans, including your initial loan amount (principal) and loan term, our calculator will flag in green which home loan has the lowest costs over time.

Is the home loan calculator accurate?

Our home loan comparison calculator is as accurate as the data you give it. The calculator is designed to show you roughly how much one home loan costs compared to another.

For example, this calculator is great to use if:

However, there are some things Mozo’s home loan comparison calculator can’t do, like:

Instead, think of the calculator as a handy money tool for your home buying process. For the latest deals, head to our home loan comparison page.

Home loan comparison calculator quick links